True peace of mind is only enjoyed by a believer when he is always in obedience to Allah azza wa jalla. The serenity of life which is the beautiful dream of everyone, regardless of their profession, regardless of their social status, is an ideal that must be realized even though all of these require extra processes and efforts, both physically and mentally.

There is a lot of advice from the salafuna ash-shalih so that the heart is filled with happiness so that you can feel the sweetness of life, especially in this day and age, Muslims really need it so that the stability of faith is not shaken and the heart remains in the corridor of piety.

Shaykh Muhammad bin Salih Al Utsaimin rahimahullah said: “People who always obey Allah azza wa jalla will feel calm and tranquility, even though one of them is poor, indeed Allah give them broad minds and a sense of contentment.” (Tafsir of Surah Al Maidah verse 90).

The high piety of the Salaf

The previous salaf so exalted the factor of piety to Allah azza wa jalla and with piety it was proven that they were so calm in their lives, their minds were oriented towards seeking provisions for the hereafter and were satisfied with the gifts of Allah azza wa jalla > . Said As Shaykh Al-Utsaimin rahimahullah: “In the past, the ‘ulama of the Salaf when the name of Allah was spoken, their bodies trembled until they fell what was in their hands” (Sharah Riyadhus Shalihin I / 544 ). A pious believer will not be upset by the gift of Allah given to others. His heart is open and grateful for all the blessings of Allah azza wa jalla, the Messenger of Allah Sallallahu’alaihi wa sallam said,

انْظُرُوا لَى لَ لَا ا لَى لَا ا اَللَّهِ لَيْكُمْ

Look at those who are below you and do not look at those who are above you, because that is more appropriate, so that you do not underestimate the favors of Allah that have been given to you” (HR. Al-Bukhari and Muslim) .

A strong believer always prioritizes piety to Allah azza wa jalla. Imam Al-Faqih Ibn Utsaimin rahimahullah said, “When you fear Allah, then be sure that the way out of all difficulties it is from Allah” (Sharah Riyadhus Shalihin: I 517).

If Your Heart Is Narrow

Ibn Taymiyyah rahimahullah said,

من لا لا ل له لاوة الإيمان، الهداية، ليكثر التوبة الإستغفار.

“Whoever feels that his chest is not spacious, does not get the delicacy of faith and light of guidance, then let him increase repentance and istighfar” (Majmu’ul Fatawa, vol 5 p. 62).

Repentance and istighfar are the keys to serenity in life, with both of these the hearts of believers feel free because of remembering Allah azza wa jalla . Increasing istighfar asking forgiveness from Allah azza wa jalla for all sins, will make the heart soft and spacious. A feeling of peace when he feels he made a mistake and then repents and replaces it with righteous deeds that are pleasing to Allah azza wa jalla.

Focus on improving yourself

Life will suffer physically and mentally when we are busy looking for appreciation or judgment from others, or busy ourselves with something less important related to the past, busy thinking about something in the future excessively, all of which drains psychic and physical energy that makes the heart unhappy. . Be careful, this is a trap that makes the heart upset and can turn away from good deeds. Shaykh Abdurrahman bin Nasir As Sa’dy rahimahullah said: “Be careful you don’t regret various pasts that were not destined for you. Is it related to the loss of health, property, worldly work or the like. But focus on your desire to improve your daily practice” (Majmu’ Muallafatis Shaykh, 21/258).

So that the mind is clear and the heart is soft, one should improve the quality of oneself and learn to continue to be righteous so that one’s faith is always stable. Avoid worrying too much about something that is not certain, leave everything to Allah azza wa jalla. It’s time to focus more on doing good deeds to become a lucky servant, a charity that can strengthen the bond of love to Allah azza wa jalla.

Ibnul Jauzy rahimahullah said, “Whoever wants to be cleaned (improved) his condition, let him be serious about improving his practice” (Shaidul Khathir, page 20).

And intelligent believers will be released from feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and various inconveniences of life. When he feels confident with all the choices Allah has made for him. This is the key to the serenity of life that Allah has bestowed upon us azza wa jalla
Fasting Monday-Thursday or diet 5:2 is proven to reduce fat levels in the blood. Respondents who applied this method experienced a faster weight loss than other groups of respondents. A decrease in these two things plays an important role in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

In general, fasting does have an effect on losing weight. This happens because when we fast, the body will stop receiving intake in approximately 12 hours. Glucose which is usually processed into energy is often not enough so that fat will replace it. Fat will be taken and processed into energy which will eventually make you lose weight.


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